Life in These Distant Days

Lee Cadden
2 min readMar 29, 2020


Life over the past two weeks in America is hard to categorize. There are days when my children are happy and enjoying the time at home and then there have been other times when they are at each other and I pray that God would bring us back to our “normal” as soon as possible. There are also many days where I watch in disbelief at the pain and loss that this novel coronavirus has caused in America and around the world.

Then I’m reminded that God is not a God who wastes.

God is constantly serving His purposes and fulfilling His plan. While that seems hard to grasp in the midst of a global pandemic it forces me to ask these questions: “God how can I slow down and hear you in these days? How can I learn to love and trust you even more, today?”

From no training wheels to 2.5 mile rides throughTown Creek Park in one week!

A Hard Reset

Perhaps more than anything the Lord is in the process of establishing what I’ve heard recently is a hard reset, a recalibration if you will, for both His people and the world itself. God knows we all need to reminded — sometimes painfully — of exactly Who is in charge and who is not.

For my own soul, social distancing and our current stay at home orders from the mayor of Auburn have put me in a posture to spend more down time with Lacey, Finley, Amos and Rowan…and while I hate that disease and quasi-quarantine have been the thing to remind me of what matters most, I’m grateful that God has used even these times for my own soul’s reset.

This thought keeps circling in my spirit:

Rest, my son…the work is coming.



Lee Cadden

son, husband, papa, pastor and a solid mid-pack runner as we follow the way of Jesus.